
Welcome to the official Air Strike clan page! We have everything from mods to reviews to war stories.We own every N-Strike gun and quite a few old guns that are classics.We have two youtube accounts: mrgamersco and TheAirStrikeClan. Enjoy our clan site.

-"Venom" and "Preditor"

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Longstrike Seen in Stores

Nerf Longstrike seen in the Mid-West! Get one today at Walmart, Target, or your major nerf store.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nerf Vulcan 2.0: Truth or Myth?

Hasbro has been braging about the 9-9-10 release of the new nerf gun. Nobody knows for sure what it is, but people are guessing. Some people think it could be a vulcan 2.0. It would shoot faster, shoot father, but I think it could just be a reskinned vulcan. Put your opinions in the comments below and tell us your ideas on what could be the big release on 9-9-10!

Monday, February 22, 2010

NERF N-STRIKE Clear Series Special Edition Blasters

To Clear the Way for the latest and greatest NERF N-STRIKE blaster launch on 9.9.10, five of the most popular NERF N-STRIKE blasters in history will be showing fans, and their successors, exactly what they're made of! Make sure to get your hands on these special edition, clear deco N-STRIKE blasters, including the NERF N-STRIKE RAIDER RAPID FIRE CS-35 blaster, the NERF N-STRIKE RECON CS-6 blaster, the NERF N-STRIKE MAVERICK REV-6 blaster, the NERF N-STRIKE DEPLOY CS-6 blaster, and the NERF N-STRIKE NITE FINDER EX-3 blaster, before the clear disappear! Each sold separately.

Nerf DT3!!!

Hey guys it is venom, and I just got a lot of 8 guns!!! In that lot is a gun called a "Defender T3". The DT3 is two guns in one. The top gun comes off wich makes the bottom gun a stand alone pistol. One dis advantage is that the bottom gun fires only mega darts, but the top gun fires mssiles. Here are two pics of the beast the top is with the whole thing togther and the bottom is the pistol.


Is this the Nitefinder we all know and love?

Of course it is, you may say but it actually isn't. If you are a modder and have bought one of these recently you would know the air restricter is actually soddered to the air tank. So it makes it harder to remove the AR. the way you can tell is if you go to target or where you get your nerf guns you will see it is red on the nerf symbol. Try not to get one of these if you are a modder. They might stop selling the good nitefinders so look around.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Is this The End!

Is this the end of one of the best selling nerf guns the Longshot CS-6? They stopped selling the orignal blue nerf Lonshots a while ago. Now that the longstrike is coming out it looks like they are going to stop selling longshots all together. If you want one or two more of these amazing guns go out and buy it today. This could be The End!

Nerf Deploy Seen in Stores

Nerf Deploys retail price at $19.99. At amazon it is $22. Seen in stores at Toys R Us. We will do a review once we get one. They are in Chicago and to the east as we speak at Toys R Us. Looks cool with stealth mode and gun mode. looks easy to mod but it just looks like an upgraded recon to me. We will review one once we see one.