
Welcome to the official Air Strike clan page! We have everything from mods to reviews to war stories.We own every N-Strike gun and quite a few old guns that are classics.We have two youtube accounts: mrgamersco and TheAirStrikeClan. Enjoy our clan site.

-"Venom" and "Preditor"

Monday, September 6, 2010

Nerf Stampede ECS-18

Sorry we havn't posted in a while, we've been busy modding. One gun we are really physced about is the STAMPEDE!!! We've been awaiting this for a long time ,just like all of you probly have. 9-9-10 is finaly here! Although it is a little pricy for those small game nerfers, I believe it is worth it. It comes with two 18 dart clips, one 6 dart clip, 60 streamlines and the gun. They are also Clearing the Way for it with the raider, recon, deploy, nitefinder, and mav in clear. It is somewhat of the vulcan 2.0. We will review it as soon as we get it.


  1. seriously, why do people say "follow my blog" on the comments. The comments are supposed to be about the topic, not you wanting people to follow your blog.

    Anyways, can't wait to get the stampede!
